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Around the Block, August CKC

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Welcome summer! Come in and stay awhile.

Ahhhh.....June. The most wonderful time of the year. The sun beckons. Fluffy clouds cause me to stop and ponder their ever changing beauty.

  Blossoms abound.

Dandelions go to seed, and distribute said seeds in flower beds and tilled areas.

Well, it can't be all good. And I do enjoy the cheerful yellow blossoms at the beginning of spring.

We've made great strides on the garden house this week. It was delivered last summer,  but I was stalled on the interior prep for some time. Turns out I had picked the wrong colour, and that made all the difference. Florentine Plaster does not evoke the feeling of an Italian getaway. It would be more aptly named Boring Beige. While painting the girl's room at Easter, I happily found a shade called White Rock which is actually a pinky yellow. And soooooo fitting to shabby and retro decor. So three and a half gallons to the interior of the garden house and then the floor. The floor! The floor! It make the space so civilized.. Laminate from IKEA's "as is" department for $7 a box.. "Start the Car!" is right!

And then we transferred all my funky furniture and terrific treasures, from the garage to the garden house.

Time for iced tea in my big girls play house.

Pop on over,. There is plenty for sharing.

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