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Around the Block, August CKC

Saturday, 28 July 2012


Just a quick note. Going through the stats for the blog, I see that Muddle Puddle is at 992 page views. I think that warrents a celebration! When it crosses 1000 I will have a random draw give away for the followers. The prize will be chosen with regard to the interests of the member. Whopee! And thanks for the intrest; for all 1000 clicks.

On another note, Mr. Muddle has agreed that this bench would make an excellent anniversary gift.
(next month)


  1. I am now experiencing bench envy, it's lovely :D

  2. Glad things are going well for you! Have a good week! Off on holiday tomorrow! Ada :)

  3. Woo hoo! congrats on all those clicks! Great job at getting going so quickly.

    ps. love the bench!

  4. What a gorgeous bench to get for your anniversary!

  5. Oh I love your darling bench....congratulations on all those clicks...your blog is so lovely no wonder everyone is clicking onto it. xoxo
